Download the Guide to Hub South East

Why Hub?

The Hub programme, including 5 Hubs across Scotland each with their own geographical area, is about taking a long-term planning approach to identifying, developing and delivering the infrastructure needed to support the delivery of improved community services. Hub South East was established in 2010 to work with public sector bodies in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Borders. Where new facilities are required, the driver is to ensure these are successfully delivered to a high quality standard, on time and on budget whilst maximising local community gain. In addition, there is considerable emphasis placed upon meeting government policy objectives and, increasingly, Hub South East is involved in helping our partners to identify opportunities for co-location, service collaboration, place making and innovation, cementing our position as a true Development Partner of Choice.

Hub Scotland - An Introduction (November 2024)

A Guide to Hub South East - Booklet

Download the Guide to Hub South East

Project Spotlight - West Calder High School

Project Spotlight - Wallyford Primary School

West Lothian Council has developed our partnership with Hub South East based around a model of professional respect and trust. Building on the huge success and national plaudits from the innovative design of West Calder High School, we have fostered a relationship which truly epitomises partnership working. It is a mark of trust placed on Hub South East and its team, that West Lothian Council continue this partnership with professionals that understand the Council’s vision.

Neil McIntyre, West Lothian Council