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Our Territory

We operate in the South East of Scotland, with our Territory covering Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian, Midlothian and the Scottish Borders.

Territory Partnering Board

The Territory Partnering Board (TPB) was established as the primary mechanism for managing Hub South East’s performance and for ensuring best value from its activities.

The role of the TPB also includes serving as a forum for the open exchange of ideas, enabling Clients to strategically discuss their accommodation and service delivery requirements and maximise all opportunities for integration of services and collaboration across the Territory.

The TPB provides guidance and approval on the progression of new projects.


Territory Partnering Board Membership

TPB Membership includes representatives from each of the public sector partners, as well as a representative from Hub South East and the Scottish Futures Trust.

Name Organisation Title
Craig Marriott (Chair) NHS Lothian Deputy Finance Director
Justin Tito Police Scotland Estates Change Manager
Gordon MacLeod Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Property Manager
Patrick Brown City of Edinburgh Council Head of Capital Project Team
Stephanie Errington NHS Borders Head of Planning and Performance
Fiona Clandillon Midlothian Council Head of Developnent
Steven Renwick Scottish Borders Council Projects Manager, Major Capital Projects
Laura Cameron West Lothian Council Capital Programme & Projects Principal
Julie Carter Scottish Ambulance Service Director of Finance, Logistics & Strategy
Sarah Fortune East Lothian Council Head of Finance
Paul McGirk Hub South East Scotland Ltd Chief Executive
Jonathan Christie Scottish Futures Trust Territory Programme Director

Contact the Territory Partnering Board

For more information about the Territory Partnering Board and its activities, Contact Jonathan Christie, our Territory Programme Director.