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Roxburgh Street Health Centre

The new Roxburgh Street Health Centre in Galashiels replaces an older surgery with a new build. There was a need to replace the existing surgery to provide fit for purpose, disability compliant facilities for use by both staff and patients, as well as consulting rooms, a waiting area and office space of suitable size. The new building, on the site of the town’s old Ambulance Station, which was demolished as part of the project, is set over two floors.The ground floor includes a reception, waiting, consulting and treatment rooms and space for a Scottish Ambulance Service Crew Room.

Case Study

New build health centre


NHS Borders




Morrison Construction


Aitken Turnbull

Completion Date:



Work Placement Days


Apprentice / Trainees


Pupil / Student Visits


New Job

We are delighted that the new Health Centre is now open and feedback from staff and service users has been positive.

It provides a much needed replacement for the former Roxburgh Street Surgery and will help us to continue to provide high quality health services to meet the current and future needs of the local community.

John Raine, Chairman, NHS Borders