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Forest Kindergartens

Following the success of the Leith Meanwhile Project, completed in 2018, the City of Edinburgh Council approached Hub South East to develop a similar solution for Forest Kindergartens. This is assisting the Council in meeting the Scottish Government’s Early learning and childcare requirement to increase free learning for three and four year olds and eligible two year olds to 1140 hours each year.  The project initially provides five new kindergarten facilities, with the potential to quickly increase the number of locations should the need arise. Construction social enterprise, Rebuild, are on board again, providing much needed paid work experience for those facing barriers to employment.

Case Study

Early Years outdoor accommodation


The City of Edinburgh Council

Tier 1 Contractor:

Morrison Construction

Social Enterprise:




Completion Date:

March 2021

This is an exciting project which offers a range of opportunities for children to positively engage with the natural world and increase
health and fitness.

Robbie Crockatt, Learning Estate Planning Manager, the City of Edinburgh Council